The Health Coach's

Unique Body Transformation Process 5

The Body Transformation Process 5 (BTP-5) is a new and exclusive approach to changing your health and body for the better!

It's not just about your physique; we'll also focus on your mindset and ingrained beliefs to ensure you never again feel like your body has let you down!

1- Test

The Test or "assessment" phase is where we benchmark your starting point. Including a comprehensive Health and Fitness Audit, Goal Setting, Measurements, Photos and a Movement Assessment.

2- Heart (of the program)

In the starting point of the program, we get you to build the framework which will support the next stages and set you up for success. Here we deep dive into Sleep Optimization, Digestion and Gut Support, and Stress Management; creating routines and habit that will maximally affect your health.

3- Foundation

The preparation phase is where we dial up the focus on getting you lean; stripping down the unnecessary bodyweight and getting the body in the perfect position for the next phase.

4- Ingrain

That aim here is to help you achieve what you thought impossible! At this stage, your body is ready and prepared to grow muscle tissue, giving you that lean toned look. Get the right places to "pop" and feel fantastic while doing it!

5- The Continuation

The last phase of the program is all about giving you the tools for continued success. Developing the mindset needed to push forward and have lasting progress.

A world-class coaching training experience

Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach is an unparalleled coach when investing in your lifelong health and achieving incredible body transformation results. Here are just some of the reasons to partner with us for personal training.


Central London location for in-person training.

Bruno - The Coach

Work under the expert guidance of Bruno - an elite-level personal trainer with a program designed around you.


Learn how to use gym equipment and how to perform movements correctly; as well as gaining invaluable nutritional knowledge.


Mobile app to help you stay on track, whether you're being coached online or in person.


Benefit from our structure of accountability which is the ‘secret’ to staying on track and achieving the results you want.


See quantifiable progress and real-time results tracking changes in body fat and other key health markers with The Health Coach app.


Become part of a community of like-minded people who are on similar journeys to you. Share your experience and make friends along the way.


Achieve the absolute maximum results possible with my world-class personal training model.


Learn the tools, techniques and skills with my unique curriculum that will run concurrently to your transformation program..

DISCLAIMER | Results may vary | Results are based on individual circumstances | Timeframes for results are not guaranteed | Willpower is always required!

The information on this website should not be seen as a substitute for working with a qualified professional. You must consult with a medical / fitness professional before starting any new exercise / nutrition program.

© Bruno Dalledone - The Health Coach 2023 | Personal Trainer